If your energy expenses seem totally out of control, you may be understandably tempted to look for alternatives to your municipal power company and the teeter-totter of automotive fuel prices. Your conscience may also be nagging at you to do the right thing for the environment by practicing more sustainable habits. The good news is that those options are indeed out there, and you just might be able to take advantage of them.
Over time, many dumpsters develop a thick, smelly black goo on the bottom of their interior. If you own a restaurant, you carry even a bigger risk of developing this gross slime on the bottom of your dumpster, simply because of all the food and liquid you are likely throwing out.
Want to get rid of the black slime and the gross odors once and for all? Then, take a look at these essential tips:
Are you experiencing problems with mice in your home this winter? Rodent infestations increase during the winter months, because these pests look for warmth and shelter during cold weather just like we do. Although you may feel embarrassed to have mice in your home, thinking it indicates that you do not keep a clean house, do not let this prevent you from seeking professional mice extermination in Portland, OR. Mice really do not care whether your home is neat and tidy--or a candidate for a cable TV show on hoarding.